Whatever you do or dream you can do – begin it.  Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.



GETTING READY . . but where do you even begin?

This story is about my journey to fuse art and science, and my struggles along the way.

It starts out with these two short videos setting the stage.
Followed with sections describing:
  ● fusioneering;
  ● the creative processes for various paintings;
  ● the design and creation of the robot;
  ● ending with the robot’s paintings;
  ● and an epilog about Paul Kirby.

As you will discover, the outcome to my journey unexpectedly rises to a higher level of attainment than might be one’s initial assumptions. It is not about the individual pieces – the machinery and robotics or elaborate coding for the art and robot – but a transcendence into this seamless fusion of art and science.

A Beautiful Place.

After following my journey, and in viewing my most recent work, Meditation Upon Death, perhaps you will agree this effort rises to a new height, a truly beautiful fusion of art and science. As you may decide, my accomplishments are surely unique in the world.



From the beginning I unerringly followed two simple rules. These guide all work and research and they remain at the core of all A. L. Productions does.


What should the outcome be for all of my efforts? Should a robot painted picture hang in an art gallery or museum? Or does the real goal lie elsewhere?

   (The Mona Lisa story mentioned here about me walking up to and tapping on the painting - which is painted on wood - is explained more fully in the first video in the "About Paul" section.)