Are art and science two sides of one coin?
A “fusioneer” has accomplished knowledge and skill in two or more domains, and combines them in a unique and inspired manner.
View three short videos.
WHAT IS FUSIONEERING™ ? Explore and define the creative techniques Paul Kirby uses to create incredible canvases. See how he mixes art, science and technology to create unique and powerful works of art.
WHO SAYS YOU CAN ONLY HAVE ONE? APPLE PIE A'LA MODE Sometimes the most involved and difficult of concepts can best be described in the simplest terms. In one sense, what Paul Kirby does is as easy as pie.
INSPIRED BY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: THE THIRD EPIPHANY Meeting with a group of at-risk teenagers leads Paul to experiences his third epiphany. This one clarifies what A. L. Productions and Paul Kirby are here to do.