Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind.

Magdalena Abakanowicz



Most of Paul Kirby’s robotic-art paintings start with an idea or artistic concept, like the foam in a cup of cappuccino. 

Then the fusion of art and science takes place, where numerous artificial intelligence technologies and layers of intricate software are employed to create the source material for the robot to paint.

These short videos reveal various computer and software implementations, as well as explore several paintings in depth.


INSPIRATION FROM CUP TO PAINTING. A cup of cappuccino inspired Paul to create a large canvas.  With fluid dynamics as a starting point, computers and the robot create the finished painting.

CREATING THE CHAOS PAINTING. Utilizing a variety of artificial intelligence and other computing technologies, the painting Chaos is created.


WHAT TO PAINT? HOW ABOUT CREATING LIVING ENVIRONMENTS INSIDE THE COMPUTER? After building a robot that can execute his own designs, Paul Kirby begins to push the boundaries for computer-generated robotic art, and what is possible.

HOW CAN A ROBOT PAINT SOFT MIST? Paul shows a work in progress and explains the various software ideas at play as he tries to create wispy, ethereal puffs of mist.


AH, RIGHT BRAIN WORK. IT’S NOT ALL TECHNICAL STUFF. Not all the work Paul does is at the computer. Much of the creativity needed comes from traditional artistic disciplines.

DULCINEA PAINTS THE TIMBERS AND CHAOS PAINTING. This video was recorded while the robot Dulcinea was painting Chaos.